Upaya Meningkatkan Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Melalui Model Kooperatif Tipe Think Pair Share dengan Permainan Puzzle Kebersamaan Pada Pembelajaran Tematik di Kelas IIB SD Negeri 20 Kota Bengkulu
The study aims to improve the activity and learning outcomes of students using the Think Pair Share Cooperative Share model with a puzzle game togetherness on thematic learning. Classroom Action Research, implemented two cycles. Instruments used were observation sheets and test sheets. The test data were analyzed by using the average formula and the percentage of learning mastery, on the affective and psychomotor observations using the affective and psychomotor percentage formula, the observational data using the average formula score and value range. The result of research are: (1) cycle I score of activity of teacher 34 with good category, student activity score 33,75 with good category. Student learning outcomes cycle I measured by the evaluation at the end of the learning of Mathematics 87.94 with the completion percentage of classical learning that is Mathematics 91.17. The highest affective aspect assessed 29 persons with 85.29% percentage and the lowest aspect responded to 21 people with a percentage of 61.76%. Psychomotor highest aspect imitate and articulate 34 people with 100% percentage and lowest aspect manipulate 30 people with 88.23% percentage. (2) cycle II score of teacher activity 35,5 with good category, student activity score 35 with good category. The result of student learning cycle II is measured using evaluation test at the end of learning that is Mathematics 88,23 with percentage of complete learning of classical that is Mathematics 94,11. The highest affective aspects of living and receiving 34 people with 100% percentage, lowest aspect responding 27 people with 79.41% percentage and psychomotor aspects of articulation, manipulating and imitating 33 people with 100% percentage. Based on the results of this study can be concluded that the application of Thematic model of cooperative model Think Pair Share type through the game togetherness puzzle Class II B SD Negeri 20 Kota Bengkulu can increase activity and learning outcomes.
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