Korelasi antara Kemampuan Pemahaman Konsep dan Penalaran Induktif Siswa melalui Pendekatan Generatif
The ability of students’ conceptual understanding and inductive reasoning in mathematics learning needs to be considered, because conceptual understanding can organize and consolidate mathematical thinking, as well as reasoning will gain meaningful knowledge for students. This can be done through learning by using generative approach. This research is a correlational research to know the correlation between the ability of conceptual understanding and inductive reasoning of VII grade students at SMP Negeri 3 Cugenang-Cianjur in 2009/2010 Academic Year on triangle and quadrilateral materials, using generative approach. Based on the results of correlation analysis, it was obtained rxy = 0.618 in moderate correlation, and it can be concluded that there is a positive correlation between the ability ofstudents’ conceptual understanding and inductive reasoning.
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