This research wa based on the result of preliminary studies and observation about self regulated learning in one of tthe Senior High School in Serang. To overcome this, a study was conducted using the Problem Based Learning model and conventional model. The main purpose of this research is to investigate self regulated learning of student as a result of learning with Problem Based Learning model and the conventional model. Population in this research were all ten grade students os SMAN 1 Pontang. The sample is two classes of ten grade students of SMAN 1 Pontang. One class as the experiment group who received Problem Based Learning model and the other class as the control group who received the ususal learning. The method of this research is a quasi experimet method. The instrument of this research uses non test from of self regulated learning scale. Processing data in this research used Mann Whitney Test. Conclusion of this research is the self regulated learning of high school students using the problem based learning model was better than students using conventional models.
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