Peningkatan Kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematis siswa smk pada materi esksponen dan logaritma
Melalui pembelajaran PBL
This research was carried out based on the low level of problems students' creative thinking abilities in solving mathematics problems on specific material, and a lack of teaching variety. This research aims to knowing the differences in increasing students' mathematical creative thinking abilities who learn using the Problem Based Learning learning model with students who study using conventional learning. This type of research namely quasi experiment. The population and sample in this research were students class Purposive Sampling. The instruments used are tests and observation sheets. Based on the results of data analysis, the conclusion is obtained: there is a model influence problem based learning to improve thinking abilities students' creative mathematics on exponents and logarithms at SMKN 1 Gunungkencana and student activities in the Problem Based learning model Learning shows students are active during the learning process
Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Raefi

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